Tag Archives: Huzzah

Man Made Motivation

      Writing, or more precisely, being a writer, is a curious thing. It comes with a lot of fears and doubts. It can seem incredibly complex, hard, to the point where you’re afraid to even begin working on this or that new story which has been lurking about in the shadowy depths of your mind (are the depths of your mind shadowy? I feel like the depths of my mind are shadowy). You get stuck in planning and plotting, trapped, as it where, losing sight of the very story you want to write.
      But in truth, being a writer is incredibly simple. It requires you to do only one simple thing: write.

      Mind you, I’m not talking about being a good writer here. But to become a good writer, you need to write, first and foremost, and curious as it may sound that is something I sometimes forget. Then, something happens to dispel all your worries. It can be a realization, something you do, words spoken by an individual chance-met, a prophesy given by the blind man in the hut just outside of the village, all sorts of things. For me, unsurprisingly, it was a post on Reddit. I’m a sucker for things like that, I guess, but that’s not the point. The point is that to get things done, all you have to do is get started, and go for it. In writing, and in so many other things, good things come to those who try.

      What this means is that Man Made Evil is now officially being written. The first thousand words are already there, the plot has been outlined and stuck to my wall, just above the monitor, and I’m going to try and work on it every day. Doesn’t matter how little, I just want to keep working on it. Seems to me like a very good way of getting things done, no?
      That’s really all I wanted to say to you all today. As much for myself as for you. I’m motivated, and who knows, perhaps reading this post, or the post on Reddit referred to above, is enough to jog you awake and get started on a project of your own. I certainly hope so. Good luck!